Takeover of Old Data from an EMR System

When linked with an electronical medical record (EMR) software, each patient has a separate PHF file. The patient number of the EMR determines the name of the PHF file

Patient Number unchanged

If the EMR system has changed, but the patient number is unchanged, the PHF files are paired correctly and can be called out of the new EMR software without any conversion.

Change of Patient Number

If the patient number changed, the pairing of patient and PHF file is not correct. The data can be rescued, but must be reallocated. There are several options:

Option 1

If the numbers were changed after a rule, e.g. +2,000,000, a file rename program can rename the files.

Option 2

If any table with old and new number exists or both numbers are available in the new EMR system as a pair, the EMR provider is able to program a routine that performs the renaming.

Option 3

If an ordered renaming is impossible, the data can be rescued by merging them to a single large file. Note: The number of examinations is limited to 64,000.

Make at least 1 safety copy of all *.PHF files.

Write into the data directory a batch file (e.Bg. AddPeridata.bat ) containing the commands:
rem %~dp0 is the reference to the data directory
copy   /b   %~dp0\*.phf   %~dp0\OLDDATA.phf

Start the batch file

Move OLDDATA.phf to another folder. Open the file with PeriData. OLDDATA.phd will be written. This may take some time. After that, all examinations should be shown in the database window.

After that, allocate the data to the patients, according to step 2 of option 2 of "Handling of old data from a perimeter " >> look here

WARNING: These actions are FOR EXPERIENCED USERS ONLY. Data backup prior to the actions is highly recommended.