Again we had many small changes and improvements. These are the most important.
Update: The Update procedure can now be startet with a button or the key combination CTRL + U (since version
FREY Perimeter, TOMEY Perimeter, Rodenstock2-Perimeter: The data connection with the perimeters Frey AP-600/600L, Tomey AP-3500/4000 and Rodenstock Perimat2/Peristat2 has been completed after intensive work. The examinations are sent to PeriData and are shown on the screen with all PeriData features, for example Progression Trend together with examinations from other instruments.
OPTOPOL Perimeter: The data connection with the Optopol perimeters PTS2000, PTS925 and PTS920 has been completed after intensive work. The examinations are sent to PeriData and are shown on the screen with all PeriData features, for example Progression Trend together with examinations from other instruments.
Trend Analysis with different perimeters: The warning message during a Trend Analysis with different perimeter groups (instrument from different manufacturers) can now be switched off. A red info text will always be displayed in the Trend Selection Window: ! Perimeter-MIX !. On the printout there the notification is given in the IntelliText
Move visual fields automatically (Link Mode): When the Reserve database (not assigned examinations) is opened, then an automatic search for examinations of the current patient is started and the visual fields are moved to the patient database.
Search function can "find next": The search window now has the "find next" button. The next match is indicated, the window remains open. This is useful if you do not know the exact name (e.g. "Miller", first name unknown). When the search window has been closed again, the F3 key works
Visual fields show at start is now optional: (Link Mode) In the options, you can choose whether the visual fields are shown automatically at start or you see only the database window
Default Database (no Link Mode): If you store the visual fields of all patient in a single large database (without connection to your medical office software), can ensure that the correct database file is always opened automatically by using a file called "PeriwinStandardDatabase.txt" located in the exchange folder.
Single window opens with Series window: When visual fields are opened, the current (last) visual field is shown together with the whole series. In the options, you can choose whether want to see the Left-Right-Window instead.
Do not import double examinations: This option was available only in the LinkMode. Now it can be set also without LinkMode.
New data immediately visible everywhere: If a patient is opened at several workstations simultaneously in PeriData, new visual fields are immediately shown everywhere in the list, even if a list is hidden (applies to Link Mode). Previously, you had to activate the list and click into the list. The behaviour in Normal Mode has also become much faster.
Double measurements: The second measured value is shown in brackets.
Options: The windows for the program settings (options) have been revised and are now clearly arranged
Menus: The menus have been revised and are now clearly arranged. The buttons for the Trend window, Left-Right window and Single window are shifted to the main toolbar
Corrupted data: Examinations without any readable point results are shown as ExamType = ****DAMAGED**** in the list. They can non easily recognized, deleted and send again.
Color when printing: The green colour when printing was sometimes very dark. The color coding for the printer has been changed.
Trend Selection Window: The scale in the Trend Selection Window on the right side is now equal for all visual fields of the series and equals the scale in the main window.
Missing data: Single points with missing normal values are shown with a ? (question mark) in the deviation map. Some of these values are now reconstructed with maximum plausibility.
Help improved: The Help function was continously revised. Many messages have better text and some got a help button providing additional information. And it always pays out to press F1 and look for a keyword.
Support routines improved: More log files are written. And the program messages are improved. This helps our support team to identify the origin of problems easier. In the last month we could see a considerable effect.
Freeze: Sometimes the application was freezing. Solved.
Earlier changes