If the Humphrey Field Analyzer 1 has been connected and a database has been opened, you can...
Transmit stored data
Transmit data after an examination
1. Is there an open database in PeriData ? 2. Check the import directory ("C:\PeriDataExchange", if you did not choose a different directory). If you do not find a file with the extension .HFA, then the cable transmission failed > go to the next paragraph 3. If .hfa files are "waiting", then open the Menu Extra > Options > Tab Perimeter and check the settings
If you found out by the preceeding check that no data are read from the COM port, then check the following: 1. Is the cable plugged in tightly on both sides ? 2. COM-No: Is the cable plugged into the right port at the PC, or is the adapter configurated with the right COM no, resp. (device manager) ? 3. Is the cable plugged into the right port at the HFA1 ? 4. Is the configuration of PeriData correct (Options > Perimeter), are the interface parameter set to "Default" ? 5. Are the interface parameter at the HFA3 identical with the Peridata settings ? 6. Was the sending procedure performed according to the transmission rules (see link above) ? 7. Is there any data stream from the perimeter or is it a technical defect? Check it with a physical serial port tester (RS-232 tester).