PeriData Update-Rollout

If PeriData is ALREADY INSTALLED on a machine, the UPDATE can be reduced to COPYING a bunch of files. Registry actions like the ActiveX (OCX) registration and environmental settings do not need to be repeated.

Method 1: EASY-UPDATE Batchfile

This batch file processes an UPDATE of the PeriData program by COPYING changed files to the program directory and the exchange directory. The batch file is packed into a ZIP archive together with the new files.

Download the current ZIP container >> and extract it to a directory on the target computer   NOTE: The batch file must be executed on the target computer, because it needs the environmental variable "PeriDataProgDir" giving the target directory

Start the batch file Start-Easy-Update-Run-As-ADMIN.bat

Method 2: Copy to fixed directories

Implement a copy procedure into your own update routine. The use of fixed directories may cause PROBLEMS if some target computers use a DIFFERENT PROGRAM DIRECTORY for PeriData (standard directory is C:\Program Files\PeriData). Check the environmental variable "PeriDataProgDir" and the existence of the file "%PeriDataProgDir%\periwin.exe" to verify an existing installation.

Procedure: Install PeriData on a fresh computer and copy all files from 2 directories:
C:\Program Files\PeriData\PERIWIN\*.*
C:\Program Files\PeriData\UPDATE\*.*

Method 3: Setup file with parameters

Implement a call of the setup file with parameters to make the update smooth and silent:
/SILENT no dialogs, only progress bar
/VERYSILENT no display
/NORESTART prevents a restart
/NOREGSERVER no registration of OCX modules (they are already registrated)

WARNING ! Never delete any files, only copy !
