PeriData can be operated with the buttons, keys or the menu. On the following tiles there are animations which allows you to test the functions like in the real program. Click on an image, and see what happens !
You want to play with all the functions at your own computer ? The program can be tested for 40 days in the demo mode. It has an example database to get familiar with the functions.
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To start, a DATABASE must be opened. For training you can open the example database in the menu Info. The examinations are in a list. After a double click on an examination all visual fields of the patient are opened. In the LINK MODE this happens automatically when started from the medical software.
Viewing a specific visual field is very easy: On the left in the Series Window you see all examinations in small format. You click on the visual field you like to see. Just try it, click on an image on the left side
The image type is selected with the buttons above the visual field display gewählt. The buttons show little symbols. Click alternately on Graycale, Color Map, 6fold-Display or the 3-D-Hill and look what happens
You change the combination with 3 buttons in the Series Window. Click on the Left-Right symbol or the Trend symbol. Just try it. And switch back to the Single display with the button "1"
The help button gives you information about the currently active functions. If you DOUBLE CLICK into a visual field image, you will get special help concerning THIS IMAGE TYPE. In this animation, a single click will do. Click again to hide the help window complete program help system